Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Orthodontist?
An orthodontist is a specialist who has completed a two to three-year university residency program following four years of dental school to learn the special skills required to manage tooth movement and guide facial development.
What can I expect from my first visit?
We will perform a consultation and discuss any orthodontic conditions that are observed. As well, we will discuss your orthodontic wishes to determine what changes you would like to see for your teeth. If orthodontic treatment is recommended, we will outline the course of corrective treatment, benefits of orthodontics, and associated costs and length of treatment. A referral from your dentist is not required and there is no charge associated with this consultation.
What does orthodontic treatment cost?
This varies depending upon the type of treatment required, the length of treatment as well as the complexity of each individual case. By visiting us for a free consultation we can give you a rough estimate.
How long will treatment take?
This is based on the complexity of your case. Simple treatment can take as little as 6 months whereas more complicated conditions can take up to three years. Most cases, however, average between 18-24 months.
Can I still enjoy my favorite foods with braces?
For the first few days after the braces have been applied to your teeth, chewing hard foods may be difficult because of the increased sensitivity of your teeth. Following this sensitive period, most foods can be eaten, although hard and crunchy foods can damage the braces if not cut up properly. For example, a fresh apple or raw carrot is unlikely to damage braces if cut up into thin wedges or smaller strips. Crunching on ice cubes or hard pizza crusts on the other hand can cause damage to braces, so these items are best avoided. We provide you with a short list of the most common causes of damage to braces when your braces are put on.
What causes orthodontic problems?
Most orthodontic problems are hereditary in nature although some problems arise through environmental causes such as thumb sucking and unusual tongue habits. Occasionally teeth or jaws are displaced as a result of injury/trauma, and orthodontics can be a part of the rehabilitation process.
What do I do in case of an emergency?
We consider an emergency to be something that is causing you significant pain. Phone our office 24 hours a day, and if it is outside of our normal office hours a recorded message will provide you with a number to call.
How do I brush my teeth with braces?
Brushing your teeth with braces is much the same as brushing without braces. There are a few tips which we will provide you with to make brushing as effective as possible.
What payment options do I have?
A payment plan is provided for orthodontic treatment. We accept cash, cheque, direct debit, MasterCard and Visa. If you have orthodontic insurance coverage, we will provide you with the correct forms so that you may receive the maximum benefit.
Can I still play sports and musical instruments?
All the sports you play can still be enjoyed with braces. If you play a sport which requires a mouthguard, a boil-up mouthguard is recommended while you wear braces. There are some types of mouthguards that we do not recommend using, so feel free to ask us which type we recommend. If you play a sport which normally does not require a mouthguard, then none is suggested while you undergo orthodontic treatment.
All musical instruments can still be played. Braces will initially alter one’s embouchure for brass and wind instruments, such as trumpet, trombone, or flute, but all patients adapt within a couple of weeks and continue to play these instruments as well as they did prior to having braces.